Epilepsy Action

Set up in 1950 to provide support and information, Epilepsy Action remains dedicated to improving the lives of people with epilepsy. As the UK’s member-led epilepsy charity, it ensures that real people’s experiences and concerns are heard. Accurate, friendly advice and support is crucial and Epilepsy Action provides this to over 1.1 million people every year. If you want a local support group, friendly advice on the phone, reliable information online, a safe online community or information on campaigning for a better future the Epilepsy Action team looks forward to welcoming you.

Alongside our support and information services, Epilepsy Action monitors government and healthcare policy. We make sure that politicians, healthcare providers and other decision makers are aware of epilepsy. By responding to government consultations and lobbying for change, Epilepsy Action works for a better future for all people living with epilepsy.

Epilepsy Action is accredited by The Information Standard so you know you can trust our information.

Helpline: freephone 0808 800 5050
Email: helpline@epilepsy.org.uk
Twitter: @epilepsyaction and @epilepsyadvice
Online community: forum.epilepsy.org.uk

New Anstey House, Gate Way Drive, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7XY
Registered charity in England (No. 234343)