Guts UK

Guts UK (formerly Core) is a national charity working to fight all diseases of the digestive system, that is the gut, the liver and the pancreas. Every year in the UK some 3 million people are diagnosed with one of these conditions and 1 in 8 deaths are linked to a digestive disorder.

We work across three areas to improve the lives of people with a digestive condition:

Research – We commission groundbreaking and important research that increases understanding of disease and looks for cures and improved outcomes. Our research funding ranges from development grants which fund the initial stages of a project through to full three-year fellowships.

Information – We support patients and their families at the time of diagnosis with a range of evidence-based guides written by experts. These cover more than 20 conditions and symptoms.

Awareness – We work with doctors, patient groups and other organisations to increase the public understanding of digestive disorders and good gut health.

It is only through the generous support of our donors that we are able to continue to fight these conditions. We receive no government support for our work.

For more information and support:

Telephone: 020 7486 0341