TH+ Expert Webinar with Dr Jonathan White: Overcoming MS

Being diagnosed with a chronic health condition can be difficult. All of a sudden you have to come to terms with lifelong health issues that you have to take control of. This is especially true for those with a multiple sclerosis diagnosis.

Living well with MS is heavily reliant on lifestyle changes and new routines. From diet to movement, many people with the condition choose to adapt from day one, for others the process can take some time.  But, where can you learn about all of these different lifestyle strategies?

That’s where the charity Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis comes in. Dedicated to empowering people with MS to make informed and educated lifestyle choices, the charity is centred around an evidence-based lifestyle modification program.

To find out more, we invited Dr Jonathan White, medical advisor to Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis, to take a seat on our webinar line up. Jonathan is a qualified Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis in 2015. Since his diagnosis, he has been following the OMS program and has become highly involved in the charity.


This webinar explores:

  • The work that Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis do
  • The power of the program
  • The aspects of lifestyle that people with MS should consider
  • How to empower people with MS post-diagnosis
  • Dr Jonathan White’s MS journey and how he has conquered the condition


Overcoming MS are offering unlimited FREE copies of the 2nd edition of Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis book, if you reside in the UK or Ireland (one book per household only). Find out more here

Do you want to find out more about Dr Jonathan White? Read his talkheath meets!

Expert Profile

 Dr Jonathan White assists Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis as a medical advisor and event facilitator. Jonathan, who lives on the North Coast of Northern Ireland went to the University of Glasgow Medical School, graduating in 2008 (MBChB). Jonathan completed a further five years of training as an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and is a member of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (MRCOG), with a special interest in early pregnancy and recurrent pregnancy loss. Jonathan was diagnosed with RRMS in October 2015.

Information contained in this Articles page has been written by talkhealth based on available medical evidence. The content however should never be considered a substitute for medical advice. You should always seek medical advice before changing your treatment routine. talkhealth does not endorse any specific products, brands or treatments.

Information written by the talkhealth team