Search found 5 matches

Search found 5 matches
by abhinavbhatt
Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:23 am
Forum: general health discussion
Topic: Does diabetes affects the eyes ?
Replies: 30
Views: 76592

Re: Does diabetes affects the eyes ?

Eye problems related to diabetes usually occur in both eyes at the same time. Here are some of the most common early symptoms:
  • Presence of floaters
    Blurry or wavy vision
    Difficulty seeing at night or in dim lighting
    Changing vision quality
    Trouble with color vision
by abhinavbhatt
Fri Jan 29, 2021 8:10 am
Forum: hair loss
Topic: Hair loss problems
Replies: 23
Views: 44182

Re: Hair loss problems

Think about physician recommended meds.

Utilize a laser brush

Change your hair items

Stay away from hot showers

Change to hostile to DHT shampoos

Attempt scalp rub

Have a transfer
by abhinavbhatt
Wed Dec 30, 2020 7:39 am
Forum: general health discussion
Topic: what is the best protein for health?
Replies: 6
Views: 34488

Re: what is the best protein for health?

While we all know that meat and eggs have a high protein impact, there's this misconception that a vegetarian meal plan comes up short. While vegetarians often feel that they have fewer choices, there are enough options available to them to meet their daily protein quota. 1 Chickpea: 7.3 gm per 1/2 ...
by abhinavbhatt
Wed Dec 23, 2020 1:05 pm
Forum: general acne discussions
Topic: Is this acne or should I see a doctor?
Replies: 8
Views: 43243

Re: Is this acne or should I see a doctor?

Acne is a chronic, phlogistic skin condition that causes spots and pimples, in particular on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms. Here, I will suggest to you how to remove acne marks naturally: Apple cider vinegar can be an effective treatment for acne. Baking Soda to Fade Away th...
by abhinavbhatt
Thu Dec 10, 2020 8:50 am
Forum: food allergy and intolerance
Topic: acene problems
Replies: 6
Views: 27997

Re: acene problems

You can try :
1. Wash the area with a mild cleanser or one that contains salicylic acid.
2. Apply an ice pack to the area for about 5 minutes, to help reduce redness.
3. Avoid picking at the pimples or trying to pop them.
Search found 5 matches