Search found 3 matches

Search found 3 matches
by sheree cox
Mon Dec 09, 2013 5:10 pm
Forum: general discussions about weight issues
Topic: It's all in the mind
Replies: 3
Views: 8548

Re: It's all in the mind

"mindset" is absolutely key..... (FYI: I am qualified in obesity, personal training + lots of other nutrition, fitness and health qualifications) If you are not in the right place to start it will never happen! You also have to have the mindset to keep going once you started and once you h...
by sheree cox
Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:59 pm
Forum: general discussions about weight issues
Topic: Exercise and Back Pain
Replies: 11
Views: 10614

Re: Exercise and Back Pain

This may seem simple but what diet do you focus on? Everyone needs a minimum number of calories to function daily which you can calculate yourself and also find out which suits you most based upon your macronutrient need. At least this can be a start. Having said this, what is absolutely key is your...
Search found 3 matches