Search found 2 matches

Search found 2 matches
by Katelyn777
Tue Jan 30, 2018 4:03 am
Forum: general eczema discussions
Topic: New to Eczema
Replies: 4
Views: 3605

Re: New to Eczema

I have never had eczema than their was a random flare up last year (i am 18 but have never had eczema before)... I took so long to get rid of it and their is still a small trace. It was on my underarms all the way up to my elbow. Know there is only a small patch. I learned that low thyroid can influ...
by Katelyn777
Tue Jan 30, 2018 3:48 am
Forum: general acne discussions
Topic: Just a little support needed. <3
Replies: 3
Views: 5593

Re: Just a little support needed. <3

Hi there! I understand how acne can really affect every part of ones life. I have a younger brother and older sister with beautiful skin and then there's me. :( I had a greasy face with mild acne grade 8-10, no blackheads or anything and I was so upset. I didn't really understand that my skin wasn't...
Search found 2 matches