Cronic Spontaneous Urticaria?

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by Guest Posts on Wed Feb 05, 2020 1:00 pm

Cronic Spontaneous Urticaria?

Have burning, soreness & redness on sternum, face including eyelids & neck for over 5 months, all very dry including hands which go red from the knuckles down to tips also a tightness almost like a rubber band around my throat, was suspected dermatomyositis, proved negative. Dermatology state it’s Cronic Spontaneous Urticaria?. I’m sceptical as I feel they just don’t know what’s triggered it. Put on Fexofenadine Antihistamines 4x daily plus 1x Montelukas. No change and feeling desperate.
Thank you, Paula
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Dr Faheem Latheef
Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2017 1:55 pm

by Dr Faheem Latheef on Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:00 am

Re: Cronic Spontaneous Urticaria?

Dear Paula,
Thanks for your message. Although it is difficult to comment without seeing you, I would agree that there are few points that would suggest that this may not be urticaria. Typically urticaria is not dry or scaly (more suggestive of a dermatitis) and you would expect some response to the treatment you have had already. As it’s clearly still very active I would encourage you to go back and see your Dermatologist to review your skin and maybe reconsider the diagnosis or do some more investigations such as taking a skin biopsy to help confirm the diagnosis. Hope that helps.
Dr Faheem Latheef
Consultant Dermatologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer, MBCHB, MRCP (London), MRCP (Dermatology), MBA ... atheef.php

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