Hyperthyroid/Vitilgo connection?
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Hyperthyroid/Vitilgo connection?
I've have hyperthyroidism for several years and have just started developing some white symmetrical white patches on my feet. The GP confirmed it was generalised vitiligo. I was wondering why at age 26 has this suddenly started and if hyperthyroidism has anything to do with it?
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- Dr Dev Shah
- Posts: 19
- Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:47 am
Re: Hyperthyroid/Vitilgo connection?
Hi Alyssa,
There is a connection between thyroid and vitiligo and unfortunately there is no good reason why you should develop it at this age.
Treating your hyperthyroidism does not usually improve the vitiligo or vice versa.
If it is symetrical and spreading then early treatment is key to improving success.
For your vitiligo, I recommend using a combination of potent topical steroid, calcineurin inhibitor and often light treatment.
I wish you well with treatment.
Best wishes
Dr Dev Shah
Consultant Dermatologist
There is a connection between thyroid and vitiligo and unfortunately there is no good reason why you should develop it at this age.
Treating your hyperthyroidism does not usually improve the vitiligo or vice versa.
If it is symetrical and spreading then early treatment is key to improving success.
For your vitiligo, I recommend using a combination of potent topical steroid, calcineurin inhibitor and often light treatment.
I wish you well with treatment.
Best wishes
Dr Dev Shah
Consultant Dermatologist
Dr Dev Shah
Consultant Dermatologist
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Consultant Dermatologist
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