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changes to diet to lower risk

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 1:06 pm
by Maxi05
There's a history of prostate cancer in my family and I was wondering whether there are any changes I can make to my diet that can help lower my risk of getting it?

Re: changes to diet to lower risk

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 10:30 pm
by Mr Benjamin Challacombe
Our dietician may be able to help you more specifically but a diet high in fruit and veg is sensible. particularly tomatoes which have good levels of lycopenes in.
Reduce red meat and drink plenty of fluid.
you should have a PSA test if over 45 and then an MRI if indicated before any biopsy


Re: changes to diet to lower risk

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:24 pm
by Dr Prasanna Sooriakumaran
Dear Sir

A positive family history of prostate cancer in your father or brother doubles your lifetime risk of getting the disease yourself unfortunately. I would thus advise you get a PSA test and see a urologist if abnormal. Much has been written (including by me!) about diet and prostate cancer, but the only good evidence is for green tea!

However, generally what's good for your heart is good for your prostate. So lots of fruit and veg is good as well, but the key is to get properly tested.



Re: changes to diet to lower risk

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:47 pm
by Pieter Meiring
Dear Maxi05

Thank you for your question.

I agree that dietary changes that would benefit your health generally would also benefit your prostate health. A diet where you avoid very acidic foods (include coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, alcohol, spicy foods) would be beneficial. For prostate health specifically a more plant-based Mediterranean style diet with plenty of whole grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, seeds, fish and olive oil would be good - you can read more here ... t-20047801.

As a herbalist, I would usually also recommend Crataeva, Nettle root and Couch grass teas. These are all very beneficial for prostate health, and taking these herbs as a tea has the additional benefit of increasing your intake of fluids. Saw Palmetto supplements may further help to reduce the risk, though I would recommend that you consult a nutritionist or herbalist for more specific advice depending on your personal circumstances.

Best wishes,