brown dots and my skin looks like old leather

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Guest Posts
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by Guest Posts on Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:41 am

brown dots and my skin looks like old leather

I haven't had a bath or showers since Dec 2017.
I'm covered in brown dots and my skin looks like old leather.
I'm too scared to bath or shower as I don't know what to expect when I do. Please can you advise me I have psoriasis and eczema.
I have been putting myself through hell. Haven't seen a dermatologist in over 4 yrs still on a waiting list and worrying about my skin from not washing and bathing. Am I causing more problems? Will the brown marks disappear? Please advise thank you again for your help advice and support yours faithfully Paul
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Dr Anton Alexandroff
Posts: 435
Joined: Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:11 am

by Dr Anton Alexandroff on Sat Nov 21, 2020 10:43 pm

Re: brown dots and my skin looks like old leather

Dear Paul,

I am so sorry to hear about your skin problem. I think you should have a shower and/or bath. Use Aveeno body wash or Oilatum shower gel for shower and Cetraben bath emollient addictive. You can also wash with Epaderm cream as a shower gel substitute.
You need to see a dermatologist to have a diagnosis made but it shoud not stop you from having a shower and/or bath.

I hope this is helpful.
With Best Wishes,

Dr Anton Alexandroff FRCP(UK) PhD CCT(Derm) FRSM FAAD
Consultant Dermatologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer
The British Skin Foundation Spokesperson
London, Cambridge, Leicester and Bedford

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Dr Anton Alexandroff
Consultant Dermatologist, Honorary Senior Lecturer & BSF spokesperson - FRCP, CCT (Derm), PhD, FRSM, FAAD ... ndroff.php

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