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Major burns to head

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 2:11 pm
by Guest Posts

A few years ago I suffered major burns to my head (largely scalp, 5 lesions to the bone, neck and shoulders), thankfully my hair has grown back. I use sunscreen now (factor 15-20) to my face neck and shoulders. The skin remains scaley. Should I also be using something on my scalp or doing anything else?

Please can I have some advise on products and things I can do for my skin health?

Many thanks

Jane J

Re: Major burns to head

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 5:53 pm
by Mr Ioannis Goutos
Dear Jane,
This is a common challenge following burns and if the injury was a long time ago (more than 10-15 years) I would recommend that a doctor assesses these scaly areas to make sure it is just dry skin. If this is the case an aloe vera based moisturiser applied regularly should help your symptoms significantly.