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Double Heart Bypass

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 9:28 am
by Guest Posts
Is it possible to remove double heart bypass scaring dating back to 2019?

Theresa H

Re: Double Heart Bypass

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 9:58 pm
by Dr Penelope Pratsou
This often depends on what the problem seems to be with the scar. Central chest (sternotomy) scars can sometimes become hypertrophic or keloidal ie lumpy. Keloid scar appearance can be improved through various treatments, for example topical steroid application or steroid injections. These and other treatments are available through dermatology.

Other types of scarring eg stretched/atrophic scars may be more tricky to improve with simple measures and, depending on the scar may require review by a laser specialist or plastic surgeon specialising in scarring and scar revision.

If in doubt please do see your GP or a dermatologist for a review of your scar so that they can suggest the best treatment for your type of scar.