Wrinkly Skin / collagen

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by Guest Posts on Tue Sep 12, 2023 9:34 am

Wrinkly Skin / collagen

Since coming out of the menopause even though on HRT - my skin has suddenly become very wrinkly - all over - I am literally looking at my mother's arms and face! It doesn't seem to matter how much I work out and have muscles to prove it but still I have hanging skin. I have started to take collagen powder and previously took collagen tablets but can't see any improvement. Firstly will taking any form of collagen help and secondly is there anything else that might work for wrinkly skin all over? I do appreciate that this might not be termed a skin condition but it does distress me and I know for some causes great angst, and may possibly lead to people taking treatments that won't benefit them and also cost them a lot of money.

Thank you Sylvia
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Mr Ioannis Goutos
Posts: 49
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2017 11:12 am

by Mr Ioannis Goutos on Mon Sep 25, 2023 8:15 pm

Re: Wrinkly Skin / collagen

Dear Sylvia,
Skin changes in terms of quality and firmness are frustrating and relate to a number of causes including genetics, lifestyle and medical conditions including those needing steroids. There is little evidence for the use of collagen supplements and depending on the degree of sagginess, you may be able to consider treatments including lasers. Unfortunately, most of these are only offered outside the NHS by qualified dermatologists or plastic surgeons.
Best regards,
Mr Ioannis Goutos
FRCSEd(Plast), MSc Burn Care

http://www.talkhealthpartnership.com/on ... goutos.php

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