Is 21 years old and 350 pounds severely overweight?

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by JimmyXXXXL on Sun Dec 22, 2019 7:03 am

Is 21 years old and 350 pounds severely overweight?

Hey so I'm a 21 year old guy, weighing in at 350 pounds at 6' 1". I don't really exercise or work out, so I guess my routine is basically sedentary. Not gonna lie, my diet consists of either burgers or pizza or cookie dough haha. To be honest though, I feel pretty comfortable and don't feel the need to lose weight. But how long can I keep this up. I mean, my family doesn't have a history of diabetes or anything so I should be fine right?

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by talkhealth on Tue Dec 24, 2019 10:58 am

Re: Is 21 years old and 350 pounds severely overweight?

Hi JimmyXXXXL ,

Thanks for posting on the forum, its a great way of meeting other people with experience of health issues who often have a wealth of information and advice.

Diet and exercise is often key to a general sense of well being alongside all the physical benefits to living a healthier lifestyle. Unfortunately there can often be a lot of confusion surrounding the information out there and finding a good source is key, have a look at some of our blogs on losing weight here which may help you ... eight.php/. also here ... s/

Also it may be worth signing up here for our wellbeing support programme too, where you will receive lots of bite sized information over a 19 week period, you can click here for more information;

Hope this helps,


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by Prycejosh1987 on Sat Oct 10, 2020 3:47 pm

Re: Is 21 years old and 350 pounds severely overweight?

JimmyXXXXL wrote:
Sun Dec 22, 2019 7:03 am
Hey so I'm a 21 year old guy, weighing in at 350 pounds at 6' 1". I don't really exercise or work out, so I guess my routine is basically sedentary. Not gonna lie, my diet consists of either burgers or pizza or cookie dough haha. To be honest though, I feel pretty comfortable and don't feel the need to lose weight. But how long can I keep this up. I mean, my family doesn't have a history of diabetes or anything so I should be fine right?
That is the thing, you must do it for you. Its good to lose weight. You are too heavy for your height. Even if you were completely muscly and weight 350lbs that is still a problem. You have to eat healthy more often and help your heart. Too many fats is not good. Fats can make a person feel more tired when doing something physical. Fats can also destroy good sleeping habits. Its because the body has to digest more and the brain has more to work on in controlling the digestive system. You need to eat more healthy more often. Perhaps you could try vegetarian options to foods you love. Good luck.

F. Barry
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by F. Barry on Fri Oct 23, 2020 2:03 am

Re: Is 21 years old and 350 pounds severely overweight?

I was once overweight with very little self esteem, very little energy to exercise and no motivation to follow through with strict dieting plans. I slowly developed a strategy to help me day by day by changing little things. Intermittent fasting and replacing meals with healthy filling smoothies and juices.. reducing the amount of my sodium intake. All simple steps that gradually help changed my lifestyle without even feeling the pressure of having done so, for example, changing from salted nuts to unsalted, low sodium chips, veggie chips or baked chips, reduced fat mayo, unsweetened iced tea, 2% milk, non-dairy creamers, protein bars instead of candy bars etc etc..
I hope that you are doing way better.

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by MissCandyGirl on Wed Oct 28, 2020 3:49 pm

Re: Is 21 years old and 350 pounds severely overweight?

I can't better the advice you've been given.

Losing weight is possible. It just means less food and more exercise. But only gradually reduce your food intake and start your exercise routine gently. Basically, if you do too much exercise too soon, you'll pull your muscles and won't be able to continue with exercise. Definitely - slowly - reduce how much you're eating. If you suddenly stop eating your normal diet, you'll end up craving those foods even more, which will mean losing weight becomes impossible.

Slow and sure is best. Yes, it's boring, but it is necessary to sustain weight-loss.

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by Alessandro01 on Tue Nov 03, 2020 7:10 pm

Re: Is 21 years old and 350 pounds severely overweight?

Check some keto diets and get gym membership

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by MissCandyGirl on Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:50 pm

Re: Is 21 years old and 350 pounds severely overweight?

I'd get a professional involved. Losing weight on one's own is really difficult. Plus, re-learning food habits is hard even for people who don't eat "bad" foods. I would suggest joining a weight loss group and getting the doctor involved. I'd even advise seeing a dietician.

It IS possible to lose weight, but no one can do it alone. Everyone needs support sometimes.

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