Does stress cause dementia?

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Erica Silva
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by Erica Silva on Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:18 am

Does stress cause dementia?

I need to know if stress can cause or increase the risk factor of having dementia?

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by Mobitoka on Sun May 28, 2017 3:38 pm

Re: Does stress cause dementia?

I got interested in this post but never really thought that there was a strong connection between stress and dementia. However, upon research, I found out that too much stress can definitely cause depression and dementia. This is due to the fact that when you are stressed, you tend to lack sleep and when this happens, your body releases more cortisol than needed. This cortisol causes damage to your brain, causing memory problems.

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by ingridcarley on Mon Sep 03, 2018 12:45 pm

Re: Does stress cause dementia?

Dementia occurs after the age of 65. it is always seen in the people of aged above 65. because in this age our mind is not more creative and thinking ability gets less. so stress is also another reoson for dementia.
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by ericpartlu on Fri Sep 28, 2018 7:52 am

Re: Does stress cause dementia?

The most of the research says that due to high stress is closely related to condition such as anxiety, depression and lack of sleep has increased the dementia risk.

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by keeponkeepingon on Fri May 31, 2019 6:31 pm

Re: Does stress cause dementia?

It can feel like it, because under severe continual stress you begin exhibiting dementia-like symptoms; though I believe the jury is still out about whether this induces the brain changes seen in real dementia long-term. If you're worried, please persist at your GP until you get a referral to a memory centre to get some cognitive tests done - I'm going through this process at the moment after a brain MRI due to my stress-related memory issues.

There was a very interesting nun study done you'll find online, where nuns were dementia tested for decades and they found despite showing brain signs they functioned normally, but still couldn't pin down why. Personally I believe it was the nun's totally stressfree lives that played the major factor, because they have zero stress-factors and pressures in their lives that people in the world experience. Plus they pray, contemplate, meditate for hours each day and support each other - we don't do that in society.

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by Afriend12345 on Wed Sep 23, 2020 3:32 am

Re: Does stress cause dementia?

Can someone tell me if you can get dementia at age 25-30? My doctor said it is not possible but I have all the early symptomatolgy. And I'm not exaggerating.

Thank you.

(I also suffer from bipolar, isolation, borderline and ptsd from multiple prolongued traumas, chronic insomnia and chronic stress)

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by talkhealth on Wed Sep 23, 2020 4:08 pm

Re: Does stress cause dementia?

Hello - it can be very worrying to feel you are experiencing all the symptoms of a particular condition and we can understand that you would like clarity. If you feel that you would like further advice on this we would suggest that you contact Alzheimers Organisation via their help line who can hopefully give you some reassuration at this time. Their number is 0333 150 3456.
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by MissCandyGirl on Sat Sep 26, 2020 7:27 pm

Re: Does stress cause dementia?

I had a dear friend I lost to Dementia. His name was Michael and we were wonderful friends. But he had a head injury from age 14 after a car hit his bicycle. He was diagnosed with Dementia a fair few years after we met. But I knew he was older - and therefore our friendship wouldn't last forever. And I do treasure the bond we shall always have. I write this because Michael may have suffered stress, but his head injury was the catalyst for Dementia. There is evidence stress can increase the likelihood of getting it, but stress can be managable to reduce the risk. Although I do realize we are discussing stress causing Dementia.
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by on Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:38 pm

Re: Does stress cause dementia?

According to recent research, stress may cause a risk of dementia.

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