Hair Issues - Male Pattern Baldness?

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by Karl_strd on Wed May 27, 2020 7:28 pm

Hair Issues - Male Pattern Baldness?

Good Afternoon,

Thank you in advance for reading my post.

I turned 26 about 3 months ago. I always had a good head of hair until about 2 years ago when it started thinning and receding at the temples. Before this, whenever I let it grow a bit, my hairdresser used to thin it to prevent it from making my head warm.

The thinning has come to a stage where I can see my scalp under the hair when looking in the mirror, which wasn't the case before. I assumed this was natural and part of male pattern baldness and have not paid a lot of attention to it, however I did try medicated shampoos and also hair tablets (with Biotin, iron etc.). Nothing has made any difference.

I occasionally shave my head. I did so recently and it has now been 12 days since I did it which has allowed some new hair to grow. I noticed that it is growing irregularly and leaving some bits (especially on the back and top of the head) looking thinner and balder than other bits, which again I suppose could be male pattern baldness. I can also see, however, that there are some small "holes" in the back which don't seem to have any hair at all. It looks as if I have cracked my head (which I haven't) and that there is no hair growing in the cracked bit

My question is - is this all normal? If not, is it some condition and what can I do to improve it?

Thank you for your help.

P.S.: I have been diagnosed with seborrhoeic dermatitis before. I haven't had any serious health conditions and haven't taken any medication that would have anything like this as its side effects.
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by talkhealth on Fri May 29, 2020 11:52 am

Re: Hair Issues - Male Pattern Baldness?

Hi Karl_strd,

Thank you for posting on the forum about your hair along with photographs.

We would urge you to visit your GP who will be able to diagnose male pattern baldness by examining your scalp to determine if you've lost a significant amount of hair. They may refer you to someone who can investigate further, by looking at the miniaturized hair follicles and look at the space between each hair follicle.

Additionally please find information here about our FREE hair loss support programme:

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by scilover on Mon Jul 13, 2020 6:06 am

Re: Hair Issues - Male Pattern Baldness?

I face this too as well at a young age. I would also recommend you to visit your GP for proper diagnosis. It's always better to get early diagnosis and treatment at a young age before it's too late.

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by Prycejosh1987 on Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:46 pm

Re: Hair Issues - Male Pattern Baldness?

Karl_strd wrote:
Wed May 27, 2020 7:28 pm

My question is - is this all normal? If not, is it some condition and what can I do to improve it?

Thank you for your help.

P.S.: I have been diagnosed with seborrhoeic dermatitis before. I haven't had any serious health conditions and haven't taken any medication that would have anything like this as its side effects.
I think it is normal among white men, and also among black men. This is what happens with white males before they start losing their hair and it starts to recede. Looking at your scalp in definition. We can see that you might need to enjoy your hair while its there. I didnt think my hair would recede but it has and i have a bold patch at the top on the back of my head. My hair is receding but i have not lost hair on the top of my head. Not yet.
Do not fear, its normal and some males actually look better with receding hair lines.

Daniel brannum
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by Daniel brannum on Fri Sep 25, 2020 11:48 am

Re: Hair Issues - Male Pattern Baldness?

I was also experiencing the same and the tablets of biotin and all didn't really make much of a difference. So I looked online and saw a couple of natural remedies and out of all the things I tried for over 3 years only one made the difference and that is the remedy with onion juice. This is one of the best solutions for hair loss, dandruff, and itching and irritations. I have been using this for the past 6 months and is seeing good results as I can actually see hair growing. I trimmed my whole hair 2,3 times and did the treatment. As hair takes a min of 3 months to show results so don't expect results soon. Have patience and do the natural remedy daily for a year.
If you don't know what remedy it is I'll break it down for you to understand, if still not you can look it up online.
As the remedy name suggests 1 onion according to the volume of hair that you have if trimmed or shaved 1 onion is more than enough if not 2, cut it into medium pieces, blend it, and extract the juice. Add a spoon of coconut oil and mix it well and apply it on your scalp. Massage it for 10-15min wash it off after an hour. Do this daily and you can see the results. Hope I was of help, let me know if it works or not and I can assure you it willl work.

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