eczema caulsed by water???am i mad???

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by mum26 on Sun May 01, 2011 4:54 pm

eczema caulsed by water???am i mad???

me again!!
does anyone eles find that when they bath there child there skin is much worse than before you put them in???
i used oilatum and a precribed soap. with 3 other creams to put on 6 times a day.
could she be allergic to water????????????????

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by AnnaB on Sun May 01, 2011 9:30 pm

Re: eczema caulsed by water???am i mad???

My kids were allergic to the Oilatum!!!! You could try using the emollient in the water and as the soap rather than so many different products. Keep water cool as possible and moisturise with emollient while the skin is still damp. Just lightly pat dry or a cuddle dry works well in our house.
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by mum26 on Sun May 01, 2011 10:15 pm

Re: eczema caulsed by water???am i mad???

sorry i didnt explain that first message very well.
i mean i have cream that i have to applie during the day.
but at bath time i use oillatum with dermol as a soap
when she gets out the bath i put double base followed by epederm.
but i find that when i get her out the bath her skin seam to have become worse.
This keeps happening she is find with some creams or soaps for a few months then all
of a sudden the creams seam to make the skin worse.
it happened with acrous cream, diprobase and one of the steroid creams but i cant remeber
witch one.
:) thanks for you help by the

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by yorkie2703 on Tue May 03, 2011 2:17 pm

Re: eczema caulsed by water???am i mad???

Bath time is a nightmare in my house. My daughter reacts to the water. I use the huggies pure then only once a week bath her with Purepotions before and after


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by Jimbob on Tue May 03, 2011 2:37 pm

Re: eczema caulsed by water???am i mad???

James flares with oilatum but the water itself does seem to make things worse. James now has a quick shower instead of a bath and this seems to have helped a little.

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