eczema allergys and 11months old

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by mum26 on Sun May 01, 2011 4:47 pm

eczema allergys and 11months old

my daughter was dianosed with aptomic eczema and allergys last month by the hospital.
they told me not to put her in dark clothes, stay away from dairy, eggs and nuts (that she is
allergic to) I cant help but feel that they have given her a diagnosis now im left to sort it out
i cant really afford the foods that dont contain the dairy, egg and nuts. the 100% cotton clothes seam to
be more expensive then i remeber.
I cant help but feel that it depends on the area you live to how much help you get from health care
Her skin is raw and she is consetntly itchy from the moment she gets up to the moment she scratches her
self to sleep. the eczema has been on every bit of skin on her body including her eyes.
Why is there not much support out there or undertanding. lol. the council told me that the damp
in the flat would not cauls the eczema to come up and down.....i beg to differ!!!!!!!!
no help from the doc no help from the council. feel like ripping my hair out and screaming at them all!!!

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by AnnaB on Sun May 01, 2011 9:37 pm

Re: eczema allergys and 11months old

hi the damp will produce spores which are a massive factor. I am sure your hospital would back you up. What area do you live in?? How bad are the food allergies? My kids could have cakes, bread etc with milk or eggs in as the baking process broke down the protein that they were allergic to. But they could not eat or drink them plain or lightly cooked. It is tough, I've juggled coeliac, egg dairy nut and shelfish on 2 children which is a total nightmare esp when one is low weight. There is no high fat alternative to dairy!!
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by mum26 on Sun May 01, 2011 10:07 pm

Re: eczema allergys and 11months old

She is allergic go nuts, egg and dairy, she can not have them in food at all.
My daughter is also behind in size but its hard to think its not genetic as i am only 7stone my self.
I live in Hertfordshire, I found the hospital brill when i was there the staff were very helpfull and
i got alot of questions answered but now im in that horrible time gap of hospital appoitments.
I find my GP gives conflicting information to what iv already got.
Im finding it really hard to get good food proudcts for my daughter that does not contain her allergys.
i just feel a bit cut off, i never had to deal with such problem and just when i think iv got it right
it flairs up again.
This is why i was wondering about the size and damp in the flat. I suppose im just thinking of anything i
can that could be the issue. iv even pulled up all my carpet and put down wood flooring witch i couldnt really
afford to see if it was the, but hasnt made a differance.
really i just dont no who to listen to, the hospital that i see every 6months, the GP who is always differant,
or my own internet resurch. lol

very confusing.

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by yorkie2703 on Tue May 03, 2011 2:14 pm

Re: eczema allergys and 11months old

I know exactly where you are coming from. I live in Stevenage herts and it has taken me 3 years just to see a pediation to rule out allergys. I will not get the results until the end of May arhh.. A friend of mine who lives in Bishops storford gets special cothing called comfifast. She gave me one which has made a difference at night with her scratching. I have asked my GP for these but he said he has never heard of them and he would have to see if it's in there remit to prescribe..

Due to how her skin reacts to the creams and steriods we had to find an alternative as the doctors would not listern.

I am just going to keep going back to the doctors make an appointment then once you come out book another for a week later. Do you give her any Priton?

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by Jimbob on Tue May 03, 2011 2:52 pm

Re: eczema allergys and 11months old

Yorkie2703 - A GP can prescribe comfifast garments but quite often you have to be persistent as they are expensive and don't last very long. Some health visitors will prescribe things like that also. We now get dermasilk garments which my son prefers.

Mum26 - If you need to be seen at the hospital more frequently then request an earlier appointment. My son was being seen every 2 weeks for about 6 weeks not long ago. We now have his eczema under reasonable control again so his specialist has allowed him to go 4 months with the understanding that if he needs to be seen sooner we can ring and they will fit him in.


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by AnnaB on Tue May 03, 2011 9:05 pm

Re: eczema allergys and 11months old


Yorkie - I totally agree with Jimbob/Kelly. Comfifast suits which are ready made Wet wraps, for us once the hospital had tought us how to use them the GP can now prescribe them. My children both prefer the silk suits 'dermasilk' so we juggle between the 2. Any good medic will prefer these as an option if they reduce the need for medication.

Mum26 - eczema by nature will always flare - you must think of the creams asyour tools to treat it and bring it back under control. Start treating flares as soon as they start, not waiting till they are bad, prompt treatment on new eczema will need less steroid.

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by mum26 on Thu May 05, 2011 9:08 pm

Re: eczema allergys and 11months old

Iv been looking into the clothing your talking about, but as you said they are very expensive!! a vest cost £30!!
Iv got an appoitment with a GP that has got speshial traning in dermatolgy, so im going to stick to this doctour if i
can! im going with my questions in hand, about the garment and the wet wrap.
Im so glad that they finaly gave in and set me to hospital, im from welwyn garden city so we have the same hospital/
care group, seam that there is only a small budget is set aside for these kinds of tests, so only the worst of the worst
is reffed for the tests, hence why we have to push it.
I spoke with my antie that likes near duxford, her son has the same problem as my daughter and the differace in treatment
and the differace in how it was handled was extream!!

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by mum26 on Thu May 05, 2011 9:18 pm

Re: eczema allergys and 11months old

sorry missed a question
Yes i do give her Piriton BUT the hospital gave me Cetirizine Hydrochloride
that im terrified to use actually, so i still give her the Piriton that i can give her
a 5ml does even tho she is underage obviously this is on the doctours advice!
The CH is given when a bad reaction occours even tho this has happened i
have not given it to her and stuck to the 5ml piriton as it does subside the itching.
i counted the amount of cream that my daughter has been piscrbed. 13 differancte
creams to be excact!! crazy no wonder im so confused!

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by AnnaB on Sun May 08, 2011 9:44 pm

Re: eczema allergys and 11months old

Why are you worried about the certirizine? It is just a different antihistamine which is 1 dose for 24 hr period and does not have the side effects of piriton. My son has been on it now for 4 years all year round. The piriton we can use as well to deal with major flares when things get out of control and the sleepy side effect is beneficial.
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by mum26 on Mon May 09, 2011 8:23 am

Re: eczema allergys and 11months old

Anna B
Thank you, you have made me feel more confident using it. Im one of them vvorrying people,
had images in my head of my daughter being really drosy and out of it! :) souds like its better
to use than the piriton. next time ill give it ago! it just concirnes me vvhen the lable of thebottle
says do not give under one ect ect, even tho i give her 5ml of piroton. seams quite silly thinking
about it novv.
Got another question my friends baby has just come out in chicken pox, and im so scared that
my baby has got it. does chicken pox effect babys like ours vvorse???
i do pprechate this help anna b, im so glad i found this site!!! your a star thank you.XX

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