Advice needed with baby's treatment

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by crossmyfingers on Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:57 am

Re: Advice needed with baby's treatment

Ooh good luck with the dermatologist. Let us know if they are any good.
I'm also wondering if the tiny dots should be treated with hydrocortisone or should just moisturize it.
I found that the heat causes him to break out. :o
Has the dots disapeared yet?

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by Annamaria on Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:54 pm

Re: Advice needed with baby's treatment

hi crossmyfingers

yes definitely i found that the little bumpy ones seem to come out after he's wriggled a lot or been very hot or even just been crying and the dots seem to come out his his tummy.
so the first time this morning i did not put any hydrocortison on them just the aveeno and when i next changed his nappy , they were very faded.
they do look as if there are different kind of spots on different part of his body but it might just be me
the last time he had a bad flare was over a week ago and it was on his back , a week is a long time considering how often he's been getting them so im feeling a bit more positivea and don't get all very anxious when it comes to nappy change.
At the same time i can't wait to talk to professionals about treatments as i really don't know if i should be greasing his body with the ointment (hydromol) or just stick with the aveeon which is a lot less greasy
i'll let you know how it goes, the date is the 3rd of feb and i really hope that we'll get some good advice and maybe they can tell us what exactly is happening to his skin...
so how where does your little get the dots on his body?
i also noticed that his skin is definitely more sensitive than his brother's was as every time he eats and makes sucking effort, his little face gets red patches (the same kind of red patches as some people get around their necks when they are nervous)

Sorry to go on for so long
Let me know about your experience
spotless day for everyone :)

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by crossmyfingers on Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:14 am

Re: Advice needed with baby's treatment

Come to think about it, my boy did get some tiny bumps on his shins and I just made sure it was well moisturised which I used QV cream and it disappeared.

Now after getting abit hot, his chest especially just below his armpits has lots of tiny dots, not as red now but flesh colour and he gone abit flatter. I did put abit of the hydrocortisone but i'm not sure if it made any difference? Would be nice to hear what your derm will say about this. I also got a follow up appointment on the 9th of Feb with my paed allergist so i will also ask him about the tiny dots and will post here to what he says about them too.

I totally understand where you're coming from about the skin being improved for a week :) It's been 2 weeks since seeing the Dr. and doing the eczema regime, his skin improved 100% in less than a day!
Eczema on the back is the hardest I reckon, cos he kept squirming his body in order to scratch it on whatever surface he was lying on. Now that its gone, bathing and nappy change is a dream :)

From what the Dr. suggested, was to use Dermeze (very greasy) for night and during the day, something lighter - Hydraderm. I also use QV cream during the day when I find that he needs something abit more heavier. So far it's working a treat.

Hmm with regards to the red patches, I have noticed that when my boy does cry while i'm cradling him in my arms just before feeding time, he gets those too! But when i take the bottle out, a few seconds later they disappear so i never gave it a second thought :shock:

Our boys sound quite similiar..

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by DrMariano on Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:59 pm

Re: Advice needed with baby's treatment

Annamaria wrote: I have just bought a tub of aveeno cream and will give it a try but it's very difficult to imagine that an increadibly greasy substance didn't help with the dry skin and this milky looking cream will???
I recommend using ointments, as water evaporates very quickly. It is all about the formula, of course. It is important, in my opinion, to use preservative free products, with organic ingredients (check for Soil Association certification). Look for products with Castor Oil, Lavender, and Calendula. Castor Oil is soothing and highly moisturising, Lavender is anti-inflammatory, and Calendula has inherent healing properties.

I hope this is helpful. Good luck!


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by Annamaria on Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:01 pm

Re: Advice needed with baby's treatment

Thanks for that
as you said fingerscross, the skin seems to go through a cycle where it's all red then after the steroid cream , it'll go back to normal but dry and then it all goes to nice and smooth just before it all flares up again.
Well so much about my thought on not putting steroids on the red spots , hoping they will just disappear by themselvs, by yesterday evening, most of his tummy and chest, arm crease, back of knee was covered with the red spots and after while , they are not spots any more , just red irritated skin, so after top and tail (as i've almost given up bathing, probably only do it twice a week now) i had to go with the hydrocortison then put some aveeno on although i know that i should wait at least 30 min after i applied the steroid but it was before he went to sleep and i knew that i couldn't wait for another 4 hrs before i grease him up, then at the last feed at 10pm i put loads of hydromol ointment on him.
As usual this morning, skin looked all ok so put steroid on again and greased him up,
I agree Mariano , Aveeno definitely doesn't seem to be greasy enough so now i use aveeno where it's not likely to be irritation and use the hydromol ointment where the skin looks dry
last weekend we bought the dyson animal c32 hover , apparently it's recommended for allergy sufferers as picks a lot.
so this weekend the man of the house is going to have to go through the whole house with it, hope it will help tomi a bit
Tomi also had cradle cap since his eczema started and now i think it's not just cradle cap, behind his ears i can feel that his scalp is very dry and rough and when he goes to bed, he seems to itch it like mad so i think it's eczema on some parts.
Does anyone know how to treat eczema on the head or is it the same as on the body, steroid and loads of cream?
i can't wait for our appointment now and hope that the doctor will tell us for sure what he's got and what we should use as everyone on this website seems to know what works for them but i somehow can't tell if something works as eczema always comes back after a few days.... or maybe it means nothing i use work well :)
as i meantioned before , he was born with talipes and he's had to wear speacial boots (held by a bar) for 23hrs a day for 3 month which was up this tuesday so we have been free since then (only has to wear them at night ) and i hoped that maybe because he's a bit happier to be able to move freely, the eczema would easy off, it hasn't happend so far but never know
Anyway i'd better go

Hope everyone is having a good day

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by crossmyfingers on Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:35 am

Re: Advice needed with baby's treatment

Hmm I feel your frustration :cry:

Yesterday, the tiny bumps have almost disappeared. What I did in the last 3 days was put on steroid after the bath on the first few days, just a light coating and put on the ointment STRAIGHT AWAY as instructed by my Dr.
The past few days, it's been quite hot so I've kept the aircon/fan to keep the room cool where he played and dressed him in cool clothing. I put him in Bamboo clothing as it's naturally antibacterial and cooler than cotton. Also had him in a bleach bath for the past 2 days.

With the scalp, my boy has small red, flat patches on the back of his head which he likes to rub side to side. For this I was prescribed Elocon, applied once daily then moisturise.

His Paed also diagnosed him with Seborrheic Dermatitus which is the most likely cause of dry/itchiness of the scalp and hairline.
I found I just need to moisturise behind his ears and nearby hairline with QV and that seems to do the trick!

Just keep moisturising til your next appointment and put on steroid on any red patches, that way hopefully it will not get too bad and get infected. I would probably bath him everyday as it works for me but i'm not sure other people. Just that it would be good to get all that build up of moisturiser off IMO

How old is your LO? Do you use a bath oil?

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by crossmyfingers on Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:53 am

Re: Advice needed with baby's treatment

AnnaB wrote:What a great GP to have refered you so soon, many of us here had to battle for years.
Oh my gosh, I can't imagine having to fight to get a referral to a specialist!! I was told about the Dr. i'm seeing by a maternal nurse and I just had to go my GP and mention that I wanted a referral to see him and he did it no question! Would of been so frustrating, I mean its not like we are stressed enough..

Oh also with the "hard" patches on the face, I just put abit of Advantan Fatty and moisturise and it went away

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by Annamaria on Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:09 pm

Re: Advice needed with baby's treatment

he is now 18 weeks old, he does exactly the same as your little one, rubs his head behind his ears and all they dry/red patches seem quite bad where the hairline is, my gp keeps telling me that it is "just" cradle cap but i started to think that it's more than that.
i know that his eczema is not that bad as i only need to put the hydrocortison on for overnight and they disappear but then about 3 days later they come back again, not necessary on the same area, does this mean that i should use hydrocortison for longer? it just seems a bit silly when his skin always feels so smooth and pale for the following day to put more hydrocortison on, but maybe that's where im going wrong.
So you've been told to put the hydrocortison on then a light weight cream then the thick ointment? is this so that the ointment locks the moisturiser
in? so does this mean that the ointment not as effective on it's on to moisturise the body?
sorry about all these questions but i alredy know that when we will be at the hospital next week, i'll just be braindead and forget to ask all these, i should probably write them all down
i'd better go as they little one just waking up

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by AnnaB on Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:50 pm

Re: Advice needed with baby's treatment

Certainly write everything down I still do, they are used to my questions. We were told to apply steroid for a couple of days so that the under layers of skin heal not just the surface but be careful at this young age. Do not use more than 3 days without 4 days off. That is the standard rule. We founght for so long which was cruel on my children and draining.
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by crossmyfingers on Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:47 am

Re: Advice needed with baby's treatment

I agree with AnnaB about writing things down :)
Also do put on a very thin layer of hydrocortison on the same area it was red even though the skin does look clear, I thought the same as you but my boy would still scratch at it even though there is no red patch there.

I was told to put on the hydrocortison after the bath and then Dermeze (very greasy ointment) so it will lock in the steroid and the skin's moisture - so throughout the night, it will keep the skin moisturised.
The following morning, since its summer now, i use Hydraderm which is basically sorbolene lotion with every nappy change (which is about every 3-4hrs). So moisturise 4-6 times a day.
** If I find that the humidity is low (dry) I would use the QV cream which is inbetween the light Hydraderm and the heavy Dermeze.

Can't wait til you see the dermatologist, i'm sure they will put down a plan for you to follow :)

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