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Wetwraping and eczema suits advice please
Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:39 pm
by Annamaria
hi everyone
i've recently had an appointment with a fantasctic nurse in hospital dermatology department who gave me loads of great advice and also prescribed me 3 wet wrap suits as she thought that tomi would benefit from wetwrapping since i mentioned that he seems to get hot very often (6 month old) which then triggers his red spots.
So i've got the suits now but not very sure about what exactly the benefit of wetwrapping apart from keeping them cool and stopping those who itch itching? Also can someone tell me how i should dress him after i put the wet and then they dry layer if for example he usually wears a long sleave body and then a sleepsuit on the top followed by a 1 tog sleeping bag? im just worried that as this time of the year it still goes down to 16-17 degrees in his room, that he will get too cold or could that not happen?
Also due to my gp's mistake now i also have 3 pairs of the skinnies silk tops and leggings (as they prescribed the wrong thing before) so can someone also explain the purpose of those as from what i read on the package that they are not recommended to use with a lot (if any) of cream if wearing the silk suits but what i don't understand if someone results in wearing those suits, it means their eczema must be pretty bad hence they must be having to wear a lot of moisturiser or greasy cream???
my lo's skin needs a lot of grease so can i put it on him or not?
Re: Wetwraping and eczema suits advice please
Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 9:47 am
by Marcie Mom
Sounds like the nurse recommended you Tubifast or a similar product, had interviewed with them before on my blog, do see link below which would answer most of your questions. ... -hydrated/
Thanks and hope you're doing well.
Re: Wetwraping and eczema suits advice please
Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:09 pm
by Annamaria
Thanks for that i've read through and got some great info
i've used the wet wrap for 4 days now and we had 3 days steroid free which we have never had so very happy but yesterday morning and all day he was increadibly itchy although very few little red spots were visible on his skin so wasn't sure why that was but in the end i put steroid on when i put the wetwrap on for the night , today seems a bit better but will do another night of steroid then will carry on with the wetwrap for a few more days.
Does anyone know what i should be doing during the day when the wet wrap is not on, i mean should i just put a little bit of cream or just do it as normally... Feel a bit lost as im just thinking what will happen once i finished with the wet wrap and his skin is still itchy...
i really though that these spots kept coming out because his skin was dry but im a bit cofused now as he's had the wet wrap on for a few nights now so his skin is very well hydrated and the spots still came back.
Re: Wetwraping and eczema suits advice please
Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 10:15 pm
by jensner
You might need to carry on with the wet wraps for a while longer. When my daughter was 4 months, we did wet wraps for 6 weeks in a row, every night.
As for during the day, my advice would be to moisturise as much as possible.
Re: Wetwraping and eczema suits advice please
Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 6:46 am
by Marcie Mom
I've also read that with respect to steroid cream application, you've got to continue for few days even after the skin appears ok. It's because the layer deeper in the skin hasn't been treated yet. Not sure how to explain it well because the article I've read is pretty complicated but the takeaway is not stop steroid cream application once the skin looks ok.
Moisturizing, put always, all the time, make it fast and don't make too much fuss about it else kid will make a fuss too

Re: Wetwraping and eczema suits advice please
Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 3:50 pm
by Annamaria
thanks for your advice, marciemom i have followed the until skin ia clear+2 days with the steroid but what mkes it difficult is that the spots come out every week so im using 1% steroid for about 4 days then have couple of days clear then back again so the skin hardly gets a rest. the nurse who has been helping us said that as long as the 1%steroid makes a difference, she wouldnt recommend changing to a stronger one. when i say the spots come out every week its like a few first then gradualy the become closer then form a patch... im not sure how flare ups work with other people
Jensner how bad was your lo`s eczema and how did wetwrapping help? how often did you use wetwrapping
Re: Wetwraping and eczema suits advice please
Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 1:45 pm
by jensner
Annamaria wrote:
Jensner how bad was your lo`s eczema and how did wetwrapping help? how often did you use wetwrapping
It was bad! The wet wrapping just seemed to keep her skin moist overnight so much better than creams on their own. We did it for that first block of about 6-8 weeks and then we used it again on and off for the first year when we needed to. At a certain age, she stopped letting us so we would just use the Tubifast as dry wraps - not as effective but harder for her to scratch in her sleep than normal loose pjs. Now that she's older, we use pjs from and plenty of emollient.
What are you using as your emollient between steriods? If her skin is getting spotty, it might be worth trying a different cream/ointment. We've always found with DD1 that ointments work better but the opposite is true of DD2, who has mild eczema. We used Epaderm ointment on her last flare up and it got infected. Switched to a lighter cream (Moogoo) and it cleared up really quickly. Dermatologist thought that the Epaderm was probably blocking her pores.
Re: Wetwraping and eczema suits advice please
Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 8:13 pm
by Annamaria
Thanks Jensner
The thing is his eczema is the kind of eczema when spots come out then after a while they cover him but i started to think that he also gets the blocked pores kind of spots too and i think they look very similar to the eczema spots
So i've been using Hydromol bath emmolient then hydrocortison 1% then hydromol ointment then the wetwrap which i have to say has made his skin so much better and we've had more steroid free days since we've been doing the wetwrap than we've ever had.
im using hydromol range coz my ds1 had very very mild eczema and hydromol worked for him but i found that hydromol cream, irritates ds2's skin so im using diprobase during the day.
i don't have a very supporting gp but i found a lovely nurse in the hospital who is happy to talk to me on the phone when i have questions and she suggested the wetwrap and to use it for 2 weeks .
i used to use hydromol ointment on him during the day too but the eczema spots still came out. now i seem to be able to get away with using a cream during the day.
what's your experience after the period of wetwrapping, how long until you can or have to use it again?
Re: Wetwraping and eczema suits advice please
Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:19 am
by Marcie Mom
I had Tubifast demonstrate their wet wrap in my last support group sharing session and it can be used creatively for the face, hands, but need some trial and error with the right cut
The other thing I know about wet wrap is not to put too high potency steroid under it for kids, doc's advice.
I don't use wet wrap but many parents feedback it helps. Anyone uses other clothing like silk or silver? Would love to hear your feedback! I've interviewed all 3 (wet wrap, silk, silver) product companies on my blog, but so far, I think Tubifast being recommended by doctor has the highest usage.
Take care!