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housing,water and aptomic eczema

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 4:37 pm
by mum26
Could any one tell me if cramped housing conditions makes there aptomic eczema worse?
i live in a tiny flat with 4people and im sure that the air circulation is caulsing issues for my 11month old daughter
the problem is proving it.
iv done everything i can to try and help it but with a majour damp issue also nothing seams to work.
iv replaced all my carpets with wood, invested in 5 big plants to help. Im being shoved from pillar to post.
I just dont no were to turn any more. i feel like im loosing the plot!
I also find that after i get my daughter out the bath that the skin is red raw!! i feel so alone with all of this.
and just feel like the council and docs just fob me off. the hospital have told me its aptomic and that her allergys are
pritty bad. but no one wants to help me understand or reslove the issue. im sure a flat this is 44 m squared
with 4people living in it is not going to help her at all or am i wrong. Please dont see this as me trying to get a bigger council
place and using my daughter as an excuses, as im sure that is what the council think. i am convinsed that the flat
is making her skin worse.
any advice out be so great im only 26 i have not got my mum and dad about to ask this kind of advice to. im alone and
very very very lost and confused.

Re: housing,water and aptomic eczema

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 8:27 pm
by Heidijo
i am sure you flat is not helping, my son eczema did not change much when we moved but his asthma nearly disappeared . when you r stressed they pick up on that and makes things worse. has your doctor given you letter for council (Practice Nurse are normal good for this ). we got extra points for medical reasons saying the damp ,sleeping on bottom bunk etc were making things worse. Keep on at council we found if u keep bugging them they dont forget u, i dont know where u live but we are a small town with lots of villages and we said we were not fussed as to where we went. what are u putting in the bath?
i am a young mum to i had my daughter at 20. keep going and fighting if u dont no one will, on here you r not alone.

Re: housing,water and aptomic eczema

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:22 pm
by mum26
hiya thanks for your replie,

Yes the doc helped me to push the council, and they have agreed to move us with in 6months.
We have also found out that the water tank we had been using was contaminated!! So that
is the reason to why the water seamed to make her flair up!! i was so hacked off with them,
as you can imagen. so after 3 weeks of waiting and a threat of a court action they are coming
tomorrow to fit a new supplie.
Thank you for your

Re: housing,water and aptomic eczema

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:54 pm
by AnnaB
Great news I hope things soon settle down and your move helps, hope your not waiting too long.


Re: housing,water and aptomic eczema

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:03 pm
by Heidijo
great news about the move as u have found u have to b a pain to get anywhere or anything these days, a friend had a water tank changed due to bacteria make sure they run the water through the pipes enough she had to have things done twice cos they did not the first time and bacteria came bach as was still in pipe work, if u r on water meter they should be able to componsate u if bill is higher than normal.