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talkhealth forums • Cutting Nails
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Cutting Nails

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:32 pm
by Jems
Any advice for cutting my daughters nails.

She is three in October, she was OK with it up until May when she was potty trained and now everything is a battle with her.

We have tried
5p for each nail, only lasted a couple of weeks successfully
painting nails once they were cut, but she changed her mind half way through
getting her favourite grandparents to do it - not a chance

So we are back to two grown adults holding her down whilst she thrashes and I cut them, they grow really quickly like her fathers and I try to cut them once a week, but ideally I would like to do it more often.

Any ideas gratefully received.


Re: Cutting Nails

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:48 am
by Marcie Mom
Sorry to hear potty training affected her cutting nails too!

How about when she's asleep or asking teachers to help out?

My toddler at that age too, but we never had to cut her nails. Somehow she file them herself with all the scratching, biting and amazes us how rarely we need to cut her nails as they are always short!

Take care,

Re: Cutting Nails

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:19 pm
by Jimbob
We file my son's nails and do it daily so it is a quick process. I was once told that if I could cut his nails with scissors then they were too long. He did not like it at first but now it has become part of his daily routine.
