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Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:19 am

by bonfish on Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:33 am

Helloo everyone =)

Hi there everyone im sooooo pleased that i have finally found talkeczema !!!! Like most of you its great not to feel so alone and be able to discuss things with other people who know what its like to live with this condition i myself have had sever atopic eczema since i was 6 months old im now 28 i look forward to sharing my experiences =)

Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:56 pm

by caz26 on Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:12 pm

Re: Helloo everyone =)

It's a humid day after a hot night
Cracked burning ears and frustrated with the recent flare up - eczema such a challenge
Want to exercise but have to be careful not get too over heated
Good to know I am not alone
Multiple allergies and sensitivities and my best Dr moved interstate so can only have occasional phone appointments
Caz - lived with eczema for 53 years in Australia

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Joined: Fri Feb 11, 2011 5:04 pm

by Lzbrg22 on Fri Feb 11, 2011 5:13 pm

Re: Helloo everyone =)

I am new to talkeczema today too.
I have to admit I stumbled upon this forum while diligently searching cures on the internet when I came to work today after another morning of crying to my husband how much it hurt to get dressed. I have been an eczema sufferer my whole 45 years of life and it just seems to come and go with extremely bad flare-ups at times that make life unbearable. the worst part is you find yourself always seeming to blame yourself for it as if I have the only control. Is it somethng I'm eating? is it my little pups that I have? is it my furniture, my clothes...etc. I have used every lotion on the market regardless of price and seem to help it, get rid it, for it only to return. What made my eyes water and actually put a smile on my face after finding this forum, was seeing that I'm truly not alone. Its horrible when you don't want to socialize or leave your home or go to work when I am truly social, and in Sales. My kids grew up with me dealing with this and still do. My husband hurts for me but is helpless. I am grateful that others are willing to be so open with how it makes them feel and how they deal with it or any ideas of what works for them. I can't get rid of my dogs but I am learning how to contain their hair/dander and how much I can cuddle with them. The learning continues....

Posts: 46
Joined: Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:08 am

by itchyhippy on Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:49 pm

Big hello to all you new people!!

welcome to talkeczema
I've found it really useful to share my experiences and help out other people. I've suffered from eczema for 21 yrs and find it so helpful to talk to other people who know what you're going through.
Lzbrg22 - i'm interested to know, you mentioned you have kids. Do they have eczema too? one of my big worries is that when i have kids, i will pass on eczema to them. I hate to think that I will be putting them through what I went through (and still do).
look forward to sharing stories with all of you :)

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4 posts