New to this. Need help
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New to this. Need help
I have suffered with excema all my life. From a baby right up until now. I'm 25 and the last 4/5 years have been the worst. When I was a child I had it in the common places. Arm creases and behind knee. I now get it terrible on my face
I've tried all sorts of creams ointments I've been back and forth to doctors who don't seem to care that much. It effects my self esteem hugely espically being on the face. I use hydrocortisone 1% steroid cream and it seems to be the only thing that calms and gets rid of flare ups however I'm not supposed to use on face but I do I worry that I will have terribke skin from over use
as I can't live it it on face I don't even want to leave the house some days. I work in the leisure industry. I'm a lifeguard and fitness instructor doin 1/2 high intensity fitness classes every evening and my days are spent life guarding pools which are very hot climates which cause a lot of swearing. I shower as soon as I can after my class. I moisturise daily sometimes too much which seems to make it worse and itch more. E45 does nothing, I've tried natural oils and bath ointments but nothing seems to work for me.
the winger defiantly triggers my condition along with stress but as you all know flare ups cause a stressful time so it's a vicious circle I can't seem to break out from. I've just ordered some rapeseed oil as I've read so much about it doin wonders for excema.. however I'm not feeling positive it will work. I seem to be throwing money away on different creams and remedies and then throwing it all out because it either makes it worse or doesn't help at all. My partner and I live toehgher and he also had the condition when he was a baby but only recently this year he has it Terribke too, same places face arms and hands. We've tried all sorts of home remedies and been back and forth to doctors. When it clears up for a few days I feel positive like I've cracked it and then bam a flare up happens and i find it awfully upsetting and frustrating that I don't know what causes it. I shower with simple natural soaps and body lotions and I havnt worn makeup for months which in it's self makes me very self conscious. I'm lost and I'm tired of fighting when I feel like it a loosing battle
can anyone help? Is there anymore I can do? It seems the more I moisturise the more my body craves it I miss one day or forget in A rush one morning and i flare up. I'm scared to touch anything incase I react to it. Please someone help

- Marcie Mom
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Re: New to this. Need help
Sorry to hear of all the problems.. has patch testing helped? Maybe can identify the chemicals that trigger your rash. Also sun may make the eczema flare-up worse.. take care, hugs.
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Mei - Founder of and Mom to Marcie
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Mei - Founder of and Mom to Marcie
Visit Mei on her talkhealth blog all about eczema
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- Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:01 am
Re: New to this. Need help
Hi Tassie91,
I'm wondering if chlorine is drying out your skin, due to being a lifeguard? I haven't been in a pool for over 10 years, and my eczema is almost non-existent...I wrote my experience below- I do a couple preventative steps daily to prevent flare-ups; hope this helps!
I am 31 and have had eczema on and off since Jr. High. For 3 straight years in my 20's, I also had eczema all over my face, neck, and chest! I went to doctors, dermatologists, got skin biopsies, allergy tests, blood tests etc, but they couldn't figure it out...3 whole years later, I finally did; I realized it was the chlorine in our water because my eczema had gotten so bad when we had moved to the city. Once I put a filter on our shower head, it went away in a few days! I still am prone to getting dry skin (I live in AK, so sometimes in the winter, the air gets dry, Or if I sweat when I workout, that causes my skin to itch too.)
But what I've found is: apple cider vinegar is the only thing that has ever helped my eczema and dry skin. I use it daily and dab it on any itch or scratch; and I also put it on (diluted with water) my face after my shower before going to bed.
*I always need to remember to dilute it when I put it on my face, because your face is sensitive, and apple cider vinegar full strength could sting and dry it out more. If u ever accidentally put full strength on; add water to your face!
*Also, if I have any cuts or scratches (which sometimes if I forget to trim my nails, and I accidentally scratch my skin) I use apple cider vinegar to dis-infect them, and then put raw honey over it with a bandaid. (If the scratch or wound is on your face, I put raw honey on it before bed, and cover that with a paper towel. Then just wash your face in the morning.
Raw honey is the best healer for your skin! It has so many nutrients your skin needs to heal and soften! If I have a dry spot on my face, I usually will put water on my face before the raw honey; that way the raw honey traps the water in your skin to hydrate it even more.
*Another thing is, in the shower; I don't use any soaps on my face or arms etc. If I have a dry spot, I usually put a dab of oil on it before hopping in the shower. This will help it retain the water in the skin.
*I also try to always keep my finger nails short. Just in case I ever accidentally scratch without thinking about it. (I've caused many deep cuts accidentally when I wasn't thinking about it, just itching my arm or leg etc.)
*One time I had accidentally rubbed my eye when I was itching from a cat allergy, and the next day I had a red dry mark right under my eye...for the life of me I couldn't get this big red mark to go away...I put vitamin e on it every day, several times a day to no avail. Then I read somewhere, that its not oil that hydrates your skin, but water! You need just a drop of oil after putting water on your skin, so it will hold the water in your skin. I immediately started just putting water on my skin without a ton of oil (a lot of oil just makes your skin hot and itch more usually!) -I just used a drop of healthy oil (olive, jojoba, etc) and it worked! The dry red mark on my face went away within a couple days!
I felt like I needed to write all this, because I remember what it was like so vividly- always doing desperate google searches to look for many said to use oil, but that made it worse for me! I tried prescription steroids, creams, etc.. to no avail...
My lesions would ooze, crack, bleed, get infected, etc! I could hardly sleep when I had oil all over my skin at night. It was so painful sometimes that I'd use aloe with lidocaine. It'd bring relief and coolness for the dry, itchy and burning feeling, but it still kept my skin looking bright red!
I also had lived off the raw food diet for 3 years, when I had thought that maybe I had some food allergy or something my body was intolerable to.
So I just wanted to write this in case anyone is looking for answers for their skin.
This is my nightly shower routine that has worked: water on my skin, then a little healthy oil on any dry spots if needed. After the shower, I put Apple Cider Vinegar diluted with water on my face. Lastly, if needed; Raw Honey on any open wounds.
This has been the only thing that has worked for my eczema- hope this helps whomever needs it!
Sincerely, Shanda
I'm wondering if chlorine is drying out your skin, due to being a lifeguard? I haven't been in a pool for over 10 years, and my eczema is almost non-existent...I wrote my experience below- I do a couple preventative steps daily to prevent flare-ups; hope this helps!
I am 31 and have had eczema on and off since Jr. High. For 3 straight years in my 20's, I also had eczema all over my face, neck, and chest! I went to doctors, dermatologists, got skin biopsies, allergy tests, blood tests etc, but they couldn't figure it out...3 whole years later, I finally did; I realized it was the chlorine in our water because my eczema had gotten so bad when we had moved to the city. Once I put a filter on our shower head, it went away in a few days! I still am prone to getting dry skin (I live in AK, so sometimes in the winter, the air gets dry, Or if I sweat when I workout, that causes my skin to itch too.)
But what I've found is: apple cider vinegar is the only thing that has ever helped my eczema and dry skin. I use it daily and dab it on any itch or scratch; and I also put it on (diluted with water) my face after my shower before going to bed.
*I always need to remember to dilute it when I put it on my face, because your face is sensitive, and apple cider vinegar full strength could sting and dry it out more. If u ever accidentally put full strength on; add water to your face!
*Also, if I have any cuts or scratches (which sometimes if I forget to trim my nails, and I accidentally scratch my skin) I use apple cider vinegar to dis-infect them, and then put raw honey over it with a bandaid. (If the scratch or wound is on your face, I put raw honey on it before bed, and cover that with a paper towel. Then just wash your face in the morning.
Raw honey is the best healer for your skin! It has so many nutrients your skin needs to heal and soften! If I have a dry spot on my face, I usually will put water on my face before the raw honey; that way the raw honey traps the water in your skin to hydrate it even more.
*Another thing is, in the shower; I don't use any soaps on my face or arms etc. If I have a dry spot, I usually put a dab of oil on it before hopping in the shower. This will help it retain the water in the skin.
*I also try to always keep my finger nails short. Just in case I ever accidentally scratch without thinking about it. (I've caused many deep cuts accidentally when I wasn't thinking about it, just itching my arm or leg etc.)
*One time I had accidentally rubbed my eye when I was itching from a cat allergy, and the next day I had a red dry mark right under my eye...for the life of me I couldn't get this big red mark to go away...I put vitamin e on it every day, several times a day to no avail. Then I read somewhere, that its not oil that hydrates your skin, but water! You need just a drop of oil after putting water on your skin, so it will hold the water in your skin. I immediately started just putting water on my skin without a ton of oil (a lot of oil just makes your skin hot and itch more usually!) -I just used a drop of healthy oil (olive, jojoba, etc) and it worked! The dry red mark on my face went away within a couple days!
I felt like I needed to write all this, because I remember what it was like so vividly- always doing desperate google searches to look for many said to use oil, but that made it worse for me! I tried prescription steroids, creams, etc.. to no avail...
My lesions would ooze, crack, bleed, get infected, etc! I could hardly sleep when I had oil all over my skin at night. It was so painful sometimes that I'd use aloe with lidocaine. It'd bring relief and coolness for the dry, itchy and burning feeling, but it still kept my skin looking bright red!
I also had lived off the raw food diet for 3 years, when I had thought that maybe I had some food allergy or something my body was intolerable to.
So I just wanted to write this in case anyone is looking for answers for their skin.
This is my nightly shower routine that has worked: water on my skin, then a little healthy oil on any dry spots if needed. After the shower, I put Apple Cider Vinegar diluted with water on my face. Lastly, if needed; Raw Honey on any open wounds.
This has been the only thing that has worked for my eczema- hope this helps whomever needs it!
Sincerely, Shanda
Re: New to this. Need help
Hi I'm sorry you're going through all of this I know me and my daughter both have eczema my daughter's is more severe because she has keratosis pilaris too we have been to so many dermatologists tried pretty much everything over the counter went the natural route had allergy testing done and nothing was seeming to help Sometimes some things will help for a short amount of time and it would come back mine is mostly on my legs and my lower back my daughter it affects her entire body we came across two products when my sister joined a company call Limelight she had gave me some samples and I applied it to a really bad patch I had on the back of my thigh and within 3 days it completely cleared I never had anything work that fast or completely clear a patch that was that deep so for the past 8 months me and my daughter have been using these two products and our skin has stayed completely clear the two products are one drop wonder and forty cure I basically mix these two products with Eucerin and cover our entire body the one drop wonder I use about three drops you don't need much and about a nickel-sized amount of the 40 pure and mixed it with Eucerin and our skin completely cleared I hope this helps whoever sees it my daughter is 5 now and I've been trying to find something to cure her skin since she was 3 months old these products saved our skin here's a link if you want to buy because they're not available in stores....
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Re: New to this. Need help
Hi tassie91,
As many of us know what you're going through, we definitely feel your pain. My husband is now in his 30's and he is in a similar situation as yours. Most recently, due to a sudden climate change, his eczema flared up to a point I've never seen before. We traveled to Lake Tahoe after a recent snowfall and his face was totally swollen from an allergic reaction causing a huge eczema outbreak. After our trip, he went to a new dermatologist that suggested something he has never tried.
- He received an allergy shot for the first time; totally calmed his allergies as well as his eczema
- The dermatologist actually suggested that he bathe in bleach water which removed a lot of bacteria that was growing on his eczema. Basically 1/2 cup of bleach (Clorox) into a lukewarm tub of water. And he sat in it for about 5-10 minutes 1-2x week without rinsing off. After about 2 weeks he stopped using it since his skin cleared up.
Those two tips definitely "controlled" his flare ups. Now he currently uses a Korean skin care product made of bee pollen that soothes his broken skin and redness around his face - He dabs a little bit on his troubled areas for about 2 weeks and it clears the redness and dryness. We're are very happy with his skin now as it is easily manageable nowadays.
I wish you the best as you see what works for your skin!
As many of us know what you're going through, we definitely feel your pain. My husband is now in his 30's and he is in a similar situation as yours. Most recently, due to a sudden climate change, his eczema flared up to a point I've never seen before. We traveled to Lake Tahoe after a recent snowfall and his face was totally swollen from an allergic reaction causing a huge eczema outbreak. After our trip, he went to a new dermatologist that suggested something he has never tried.
- He received an allergy shot for the first time; totally calmed his allergies as well as his eczema
- The dermatologist actually suggested that he bathe in bleach water which removed a lot of bacteria that was growing on his eczema. Basically 1/2 cup of bleach (Clorox) into a lukewarm tub of water. And he sat in it for about 5-10 minutes 1-2x week without rinsing off. After about 2 weeks he stopped using it since his skin cleared up.
Those two tips definitely "controlled" his flare ups. Now he currently uses a Korean skin care product made of bee pollen that soothes his broken skin and redness around his face - He dabs a little bit on his troubled areas for about 2 weeks and it clears the redness and dryness. We're are very happy with his skin now as it is easily manageable nowadays.
I wish you the best as you see what works for your skin!
- Marcie Mom
- Posts: 857
- Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:30 pm
- Location: Singapore
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Re: New to this. Need help
Thanks for sharing! And yes, bleach bath does work
to kill staph bacteria which frequently colonizes eczema skin. The other way I do is use chlorhexidine gluconate body wash on alternate days to keep the bacteria in check 
Glad things are getting better for him!

Glad things are getting better for him!
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talkhealth moderation team
Mei - Founder of and Mom to Marcie
Visit Mei on her talkhealth blog all about eczema
Forum Moderator
talkhealth moderation team
Mei - Founder of and Mom to Marcie
Visit Mei on her talkhealth blog all about eczema
Re: New to this. Need help
I've been using foderma on my son's severe eczema for about two weeks now. This is the only thing that seems to be working for him.
Re: New to this. Need help
Venorid serum is the most impacting serum I have used in a long time. Within few days my spider veins were less evident by does moisturize the skin, if you have really too dry skin you will still need to add your leg moisturizing format.
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Tue Oct 10, 2017 6:35 am
Re: New to this. Need help
Two years ago I was diagnosed with eczema, I've been trying Foderma treatment. Foderma treatment has helped me to control eczema and at same time moisturizes and nourishes my skin, it's amazing!!
- Posts: 15
- Joined: Mon Nov 06, 2017 1:03 am
Re: New to this. Need help
My daughter had eczema as a child and how I got rid of it. I took her all dairy products, I used a cream that contained zinc. I noticed when she was in the pool the chlorine in the water irritated her and she would have flare-ups. Oh! Yeah, I made sure I used oil-free lotions on her skin, believe it or not, but the oils dried out her skin because it sat on the surface of the skin and that caused her to itch more. She is now 24 and she has beautiful skin. I hope this will help.