Dry itchy skin around lips - getting worse

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by Annie on Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:02 pm

Dry itchy skin around lips - getting worse

Hello all - I have had this in the Adult Eczema thread for a week, with no responses, so I thought I would try it in this one. Apologies for double posting!

I wonder if anyone has any advice for me. I have suffered with eczema most of my life, in adulthood confined mostly to my hands and legs, which is well controlled with emollients and the occasional use of steroid cream. I am 58. For the last couple of years, I have periodically had a rashy eruption on the outer edge of my lips, but with moisturising it has eventually subsided. This time it has lasted about a month and seems to be getting worse, not better. I don't wear make-up and use only organic natural skincare and lip balms. I am reluctant to put any kind of cortisone on my face, as I have read that it can actually cause perioral dermatitis. I do not believe the current dry rash is this condition. I have tried so many different emollients and creams over the last couple of weeks that maybe one of them is now the culprit! Would love to hear from anyone who has experienced something similar. Thanks in advance. Best wishes from Annie.

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by cham128 on Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:00 pm

Re: Dry itchy skin around lips - getting worse

i had dry and slightly painful rashes around my lip area. I applied organic extra virgin coconut oil before i went to sleep and it is eatable and so no problem. It lasted nearly 3 weeks and the scars took few weeks to disappear.

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by tinawina on Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:44 am

Re: Dry itchy skin around lips - getting worse

Hi Annie,

I have been using an over-the-counter hydrocortisone ointment for my face about 10 years off and on (but mostly on). My eczema has not changed and the dermatologist has not seen any changes in my skin's integrity (not so far anyway). The eczema on my face is the burning, red, raised/inflamed type (and will get weepy if I don't use the h/c).

If the rash around your mouth becomes so bad and nothing else works, I don't think it will hurt to use the h/c ointment for a short period of time if you need some relief.

Otherwise, continue the coconut oil for a while, or olive oil - I've heard that helps for mild cases.

Some other things to try: aloe, shea butter, Aveeno (with menthol) - this really helped the eczema on my arms and back.

Let me know if anything helps.


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by Marcie Mom on Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:27 am

Re: Dry itchy skin around lips - getting worse


If you're afraid to use steroid cream because the skin on the face is more delicate, do go with a lower strength steroid, it's better than not having it treated. See this post, there's research that shows not treating for fear of steroid is a greater risk than steroid; which is safe if use under doctor's direction, generally no more than twice a day and sparingly.
http://eczemablues.com/2011/04/are-you- ... id-phobia/

I've a baby with eczema and I do use steroid on her, even on face and neck, and once it's better, I use a coconut oil balm or clinically tested from reputable company moisturizing cream.

Take care!
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by Annie on Sat May 05, 2012 1:13 pm

Re: Dry itchy skin around lips - getting worse

Thank you, Marcie, Tina and Cham for your helpful suggestions! I now have weak h/c cream on 'standby' if things should get out of hand - meanwhile coconut oil has been very soothing, as has a balm called Moa (an Icelandic herb blend). My skin seems to calmed down now, long may it last. Hope you are all doing well, too. Thanks again for taking the time to reply. Best wishes, Annie

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by cham128 on Mon May 14, 2012 4:08 pm

Re: Dry itchy skin around lips - getting worse

i am glad your condition has improved. There are some natural cream which might be suitable for face like moogoo cream. you can find more at www.moogoo.com.au .

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by herbertyoungli on Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:54 pm

Re: Dry itchy skin around lips - getting worse

Waxing is a great remedy to control dryness ..I use it..always)
This article about causes of dry skin around mouth may be useful for you...
http://www.skincarestop.com/top-5-dry-s ... th-causes/
Be healthful!)

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