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EPD treatment on Eczema/Dust Allergy

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:03 pm
by Kennyo
Hi All,

New member here. Was hoping for some advice or experience anyone might have thats relevant to me. Rather than write a massive spiel I've bullet pointed it for ease of reading!

- Suffered with eczema all of life (25 y/o) which was managed well, bar the odd flare up.

- Moved to a new house, refurbished from top to bottom, old house from 1940's. They must have had pets, old carpets.

- My skin has gone red/pink all over except my face (phew). I've had a blood test which said I had "very high" levels of 2 types of dust, cat and dog hairs. We have no pets.

- I have taken the usual precautions. HEPA air purifier, dust mite covers on bedding/mattress/duvet. Wooden flooring already in the majority of the house which is well dusted.

- I went private to get this blood tests and they have advised me to go onto "EPD" injections as they believe I am suffering from inhalant allergies. The clinic seem good ( ) but its hard getting testimonials from people regarding this treatment.

Has anyone here suffered anything like this? My skin is taking so long to go down, I've recently just got a skin infection too to kick me even more.

All I want is my skin to go back to its usual colour/texture. If anyone has any EPD stories, let me know.

Thanks in advance,


Re: EPD treatment on Eczema/Dust Allergy

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:48 pm
by admin
Hello Kennyo - I would thoroughly recommend reading Jennifer Worth's book about Eczema and Food Allergy as she underwent EPD treatment. You can buy her book via the charity Action Against Allergy -

Also you may want to check out these links about EPD: ... llergy.php ... herapy.php ... sation.php ... sation.php - includes a list of EPD Practitioners

Re: EPD treatment on Eczema/Dust Allergy

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:58 pm
by Coldbolt
I would heavily advise start talking Antioxidants, Multi Vitamins, COD Liver and Primrose Oil. To top it of take Amino Acids. This will help with your resistrance to the point your body starts to fight back against allergys and not let allergens go through the got. Religiously use moisturizers and always have a COLD pack ready.

Hope you beat eczema.
Alan Reid:

Re: EPD treatment on Eczema/Dust Allergy

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:05 am
by Kennyo
Hi again everyone,

My skin finally improved in the new year, only took 6 months to recover....What a long and horrible few months its been!

I start my EPD treatment tomorrow and will update you on how it goes. Would be so nice to reduce itching.

The only thing that is currently bad is my scalp, its so so so dry and flakey, I think its seborrheic dermatitis, I've tried everything to reduce it. Olive oil, Nizoral, Apple Cider Vinegar, moisturisers, capasal, amophsyl. I'm losing hair by the bucket load and will be bald at this rate!

Anyone got any ideas?

Re: EPD treatment on Eczema/Dust Allergy

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:35 pm
by Kennyo
Well the EPD went well. Had a very small dose for the first jab. Skin has calmed even more in the last week, whether that is co-incidence I'm not sure.

Stress levels feel lower since the jab which could also have effected it, but I'm less dry and itchy now for 4 days straight :) All of this despite lots of celebratory chocolate.

Next jab is in May, so I'll keep you informed, fingers crossed I get more improvement!

Scalp is still crap though so feel free to sling ideas at me though...

Re: EPD treatment on Eczema/Dust Allergy

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:06 am
by Becky Dennis
Hi Kennyo

Glad the jabs helped. I get a crusty scalp at times (psoriasis) and all i know is that stress massively makes it worse...
I know this is not really a helpful tip but minimising stress does help me. So whether that's getting some reflexology, a massage i find it can bring stress levels down a little and in turn helps my head.
I hope things will continue to improve for you.