extreme eczema, exams soon
Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:20 am
Hi everyone, I hope someone can help me.
I'm 17, and have had eczema my whole life. From about 13 - 16 it went away, but this year, my final year of high school, it has come back with a vengeance.
Since about April this year I've had some crazy eczema in one of my armpits, I've been to three doctors for it. First two prescribed cortisones, first sigmacort and then betnovate. It just seemed to be getting worse however, and once I stopped using the betnovate I noticed it seemed to be clearing up. Then this weekend I went to another doctor (for reasons I will explain next) and she said it looked like a fungal infection that would just be feeding off of the cortisones so she prescribed me an anti-fungal cream and tablet. I have been using these for a few days and they seem to be helping slightly. I have a referral for a dermatologist but my appointment isn't for 2 months. I was hoping somewhere here would have experience the same thing and would know what I can do for it. It gets incredibly itchy, especially when I'm hot and stressed. I have my final exams in less than a month, and I know this giant sore under my arm isn't going to help.
Secondly, this weekend I have had a reaction in a way I never have had before. I have been to the doctors and they said it's probably a reaction to seafood, but I'm a vegetarian, and have never had anything like this in the past when eating seafood. Saturday morning I woke up with really dry lips, then when I looked in the mirror I saw little red bumps on them, and a single red flat dot on my face. I thought it was just a funny looking pimple, but when I looked again in a few hours, there was three more of them! The next morning my whole face was covered in them and my lips were swollen. It's now wednesday and I still have all the dots, but they seem to be crusting. I have been taking antihistimines, and just started putting the sigmacort on my face.
I've never had a reaction or eczema like this, and it's driving me insane. Does anyone have any advice on how to clear it up fast, and also how I can cover it with make up? I have my graduation ceremony in 2 weeks, and next week I have dress up days all week where there will be lots of photos taken.

that's under my arm

that's my face day one

this is my face today (wednesday)
Thanks a lot for reading my long post aha
I'm 17, and have had eczema my whole life. From about 13 - 16 it went away, but this year, my final year of high school, it has come back with a vengeance.
Since about April this year I've had some crazy eczema in one of my armpits, I've been to three doctors for it. First two prescribed cortisones, first sigmacort and then betnovate. It just seemed to be getting worse however, and once I stopped using the betnovate I noticed it seemed to be clearing up. Then this weekend I went to another doctor (for reasons I will explain next) and she said it looked like a fungal infection that would just be feeding off of the cortisones so she prescribed me an anti-fungal cream and tablet. I have been using these for a few days and they seem to be helping slightly. I have a referral for a dermatologist but my appointment isn't for 2 months. I was hoping somewhere here would have experience the same thing and would know what I can do for it. It gets incredibly itchy, especially when I'm hot and stressed. I have my final exams in less than a month, and I know this giant sore under my arm isn't going to help.
Secondly, this weekend I have had a reaction in a way I never have had before. I have been to the doctors and they said it's probably a reaction to seafood, but I'm a vegetarian, and have never had anything like this in the past when eating seafood. Saturday morning I woke up with really dry lips, then when I looked in the mirror I saw little red bumps on them, and a single red flat dot on my face. I thought it was just a funny looking pimple, but when I looked again in a few hours, there was three more of them! The next morning my whole face was covered in them and my lips were swollen. It's now wednesday and I still have all the dots, but they seem to be crusting. I have been taking antihistimines, and just started putting the sigmacort on my face.
I've never had a reaction or eczema like this, and it's driving me insane. Does anyone have any advice on how to clear it up fast, and also how I can cover it with make up? I have my graduation ceremony in 2 weeks, and next week I have dress up days all week where there will be lots of photos taken.

that's under my arm

that's my face day one

this is my face today (wednesday)
Thanks a lot for reading my long post aha