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hello am new to excema and forum

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 5:22 pm
by dirtydancing
i have a 4 year old daughter with excema, she also has asthma. really unsure of excema as am fairly new it.

took her to the drs as it was more red and inflamed than usual and he said that she has got infected excema on her arms and back.

Re: hello am new to excema and forum

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:30 pm
by AnnaB
Welcome to talkeczema. I hope you find lots of advice, ideas and support from fellow suferers and parents of little one like myself. Did you GP prescribe antibiotics - cream or medicine?? What creams have you been precribed?? Have you been supported with a good daily plan so you know what you are doing and when?? Keep asking here and we will support you, there are many good folk here happy to share and help with advice.