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6 Hay Fever Top Tips

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 4:45 pm
by milesowenhh
I've put together a blog for some top tips on Hay Fever. I am looking to expand on these tips and although I do work for The Healthy House I am hoping to collate top tips that aren't about purchasing products. At least no or low cost tips which are simple daily tasks that we can all do without costing the earth. I hope you find these ones, from our Healthy House Allergy Blog, useful and I appreciate your suggestions - thanks Miles

For those who prefer not to use medication, avoidance is the best measure. Below are our hay fever top tips to help you reduce your symptoms.

1 Avoidance! Restrict yourself where possible from going outside at times of high pollen. Pollen counts are highest in the early morning and late evening.

2 Looking Good! Wearing shades or glasses help to restrict air flow and consequently pollen around the eyes.

3 Freshen Up! Shower and change clothes when you come in from outside to remove pollen clinging to hair and garments

4 Man's Best Friends! Remember that pets can also bring pollen into the house so restrict them where possible from living areas.

5 Reorganise! Relocate airborne pollinating plants within your home

6 Smelling Great! Use perfumes sparingly as you can often find "fragrance overload" exacerbates symptoms

Re: 6 Hay Fever Top Tips

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:54 am
by advhccenter
Six methods for easing roughage fever side effects

Check the dust count. The Met Office's dust conjecture gives an everyday update on the dust include in your space. ...
Hold the outside back from coming in. ...
Wash away the dust. ...
Safeguard your nose and eyes. ...
Put resources into a HEPA channel. ...
Track down medications that work for you.