Viral, fungal and bacterial infections all on one child

Do you have a question related to a skin condition that doesn't fit in any of the other boards? Perhaps you're living with vitiligo, ichthyosis, hyperhidrosis or something else we've not covered? Your questions and discussions can be posted here.

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by Bluette on Mon Sep 12, 2016 5:51 pm

Viral, fungal and bacterial infections all on one child


My daughter continually has minor problems with her skin. She is 14 and just before she was 2 she caught scarlet fever closely followed by staphylococcus scalded skin syndrome and was in hospital for a week. Since then she has had repeated bouts of shingles/cold sore, impetigo, eczema and fungal infections. I've been to the pharmacist with her this week as she developed a fungal infection whilst she was taking medication to clear up a fungal infection and she said to go back to the doctor and ask for a referral to a dermatologist. We went to the doctor who said that as my daughter has repeated bacterial, viral and fungal infections she wants to check her immune levels first.
I wanted to know what this means please. If she has something wrong with her immune system would it manifest itself as skin problems? Also is there treatment for poor immunity if the blood test shows she has this?
The doctor said that if her immune levels are ok then she will make a referral to a dermatologist. Is it normal for a child to get so many skin problems?
Further info that may be helpful: She was born by caesarean section 2 weeks before her due date (my problems not hers) and she was breast fed until she was 10 months old. She's up to date with all of her vaccinations. She had measles in between the two MMR vaccinations. She had an egg allergy (severe enough for an epipen) until she was about 8 or 9. She's had two severe episodes of hives but was allergy tested and nothing showed up. She has grass pollen, weed pollen and pet allergies. She takes hayfever medication during the season. She is quite active and has a healthy diet. I cook the majority of our food from scratch. She doesn't have soft drinks such as coke as she prefers water. We don't have any pets and I don't smoke. We live on the outskirts of a small town so fairly rural.

I would welcome any information you could give me that will help us. Thank you.

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Julie Van Onselen
Posts: 57
Joined: Wed Aug 31, 2016 10:02 am

by Julie Van Onselen on Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:06 pm

Re: Viral, fungal and bacterial infections all on one child

Dear Bluette
I am sorry to hear your daughter is having ongoing problems with her skin and infection. I would agree that taking bloods and investigating her immune status is important. However, as she has had ongoing issues with her skin, I think a referral to a dermatologist is appropriate; however your GP may also decide on an immunology referral route. However once your daughter is under consultant care, I am sure you will both be reassured and gain more insight, answers and treatment for her recurrent infections. I wish you and your daughter all the best.
Julie Van Onselen
Independent Dermatology Nurse ... nselen.php

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