How Can Seniors Live to Be 100?

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by buygenericrx on Wed May 23, 2018 10:28 am

Re: How Can Seniors Live to Be 100?

Definitely good health can led you till 100. Eating healthy, staying happy, doing things that makes you happy is the most easy n effective way to be till 100. More than that living quality life is more important than quantity. You may face some physical issues also, as you get older like ED, which can be treated by kamagra 100mg.

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by britycole6690 on Tue Jun 26, 2018 1:56 am

Re: How Can Seniors Live to Be 100?

I recently started researching and taking a supplement that hey believe could help lengthen ones life and has lots of health benefits. Many studies have been done on its attributed and ingredients that prove its affect on the body. It’s pretty interesting. If your interested I can post some of the research I have found and where we got ours :)

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by megantaylor225 on Thu Aug 16, 2018 1:45 pm

Re: How Can Seniors Live to Be 100?

My grandfather passed away at the age of 95 in 2015. Seeing how he lived, I think it’s definitely worth living over 80.

He was a farmer until 70. He had amazing health and did not know what fever was until he was 82. He lived in the village, walked everywhere, and took the bus when he traveled to the city to see us. When his grandkids got married, he was so excited to go out and give wedding cards to our relatives.

My grandma passed away in the year 2000 and he lived on his own since. He either ate at my aunt’s place or had someone cook for him. He loved his independence. He had a beautiful daily routine. He woke up every morning at the same time at 5.30 am, took a shower, had breakfast, read the newspaper, and walked to the village center to catch up with his buddies. His brother lived opposite his house, so they would chat every evening until it was time to sleep.

He was smart and did not have a formal education. He could calculate the principal and interest on loans without using pen and paper. He was the witness when illiterate people around him were borrowing money from one another, so they could be sure they weren’t being cheated. People came to him for advice. They invited him for their wedding and family functions all of which he gladly attended.

He was diagnosed with stomach cancer a few months before he passed away. He chose not to do anything about it and passed away in his sleep. 1100 people attended his post-funeral reception. Here’s a picture of him at 92 years old in November 2012.

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by jerryburns on Wed Aug 29, 2018 1:27 pm

Re: How Can Seniors Live to Be 100?

I think it’s taking care of your health in small ways!

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by BernardRichhi on Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:57 pm

Re: How Can Seniors Live to Be 100?

We should take proper care of our diet and exercise daily for at least half an hour. We should manage and handle the stress. After 40's go for regular routine checkups. many such things are there to follow in aging that give us long life. be always happy and laughing is the good medicine.
Bernard Richhi Head Nurse at Nursing Home for Elders in UK

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by ingridcarley on Tue Sep 25, 2018 11:48 am

Re: How Can Seniors Live to Be 100?

Our lifespan can be increased by taking healthy diet and nourishment and with routine exercise. it all has the great impact on life. stress has a negative impact on life so handle the negative situation calmly and positively.
Care Home for Elders

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by bracesbox on Mon Oct 15, 2018 2:39 pm

Re: How Can Seniors Live to Be 100?

Diet, work out, enthusiastic insight on the most proficient method to deal with pressure. Nowadays, well, enhancements may help us as well. I am currently on a preliminary with this microcirculation treatment publicity with deoxyhemoglobin vasodilator.

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by Mazoli_IC on Mon Oct 29, 2018 5:17 pm

Re: How Can Seniors Live to Be 100?

A caveat to living to 100 would be "living to 100 in good health." I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis (IC), also known as Painful Bladder Syndrome, in 1995. People tend to take their health for granted. I long for the days before my IC diagnosis. Living to 100 is great if you have decent level of quality of life. Living with a chronic illness is challenging; however, keeping a positive attitude goes a long way. I started a blog to share my experiences with Interstitial Cystitis, and hopefully, to provide others who are suffering with IC or any chronic illness encouragement and support. Slowing down to enjoy the people in your life adds so much. Obviously, taking care of yourself physically is crucial, but do not forget your mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

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by jamesjasper on Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:17 am

Re: How Can Seniors Live to Be 100?

My mother will be 90 years old soon. I just asked her how old she feels inside. She said around 20. Her brain is still sharp and fast, even if her body is not. She’s definitely not ready to pack it in.

She loves to watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune and is pretty good with her answers. She is also a big fan of baseball and knows the names of all the Blue Jays.

She started taking piano lessons two years ago and surprised her family of amateur musicians with her own little Christmas concert.

She can still prepare the most divine meals, such as only mothers of her generation could do. I think her secret ingredient is love because I have all her recipes, yet cannot duplicate her results (according to my daughter).

She continues her hobby of quilting, which she used to sew by hand, but now due to her arthritic fingers must use the sewing machine. Everyone in the family has at least one of her quilts. Most recently she started sewing for her great-grandchildren, the ones born so far and a little extra inventory for future babies in case she won’t be around to see them all (“some grandchildren need to get on with it”).

In her opinion, the answer is yes, it certainly is worth living as long as possible.

Thank You

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by talkhealth on Tue Jan 15, 2019 2:00 pm

Re: How Can Seniors Live to Be 100?

Hi jamesjasper

Thank you for your very lovely post. Lets hope we are all still as active when we hit our 90's!

Kind wishes
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