Tween skin care

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by djh1234567 on Sun Dec 18, 2016 1:50 pm

Tween skin care

Hi there.My 11 year old daughter is starting to break out a little bit with spots/blemishes around the t zone areas. I suffered from acne myself and desperately don't want her to go through what I went through as I went back and forth on different creams and antibiotics. It was only when I finally got roaccutane that I cleared it. Prevention is better than cure and just want to get on top of it before it gets worse. Currently using saliciyic acid based products to control it but cant clear it properly at the moment. Any advice welcome from a worried dad.

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by talkhealth on Mon Dec 26, 2016 12:07 pm

Re: Tween skin care

Sorry to hear your concerns about your daughter. We would recommend you talk with your doctor as he/she should be able to provide you with best advice and also can talk through the various treatments with you.
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by nestpillmart1 on Sat Jan 06, 2018 9:33 am

Re: Tween skin care

skin is very sensitive part of body and we need to take care of our skin. Tween skin is the most sensitive skin which gives immediate respond to the harmful chemical and the result is damage skin. We need to maintain natural skin. If any problem appear regarding skin first consult with your doctor and the apply any product on it.

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by ericpartlu on Sat Sep 29, 2018 9:08 am

Re: Tween skin care

Skin is very sensitive part of the body and skin problems going to spread very quickly, If we not taking proper treatment at the starting phase. You have to consult with skin specialist for your skin infection otherwise it's going to be worse. So,it's better to consult with the skin specialist about your skin problems to cure fast.

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by saleem000 on Wed Mar 13, 2019 12:12 pm

Re: Tween skin care

There are a number of myths about acne and its scars. Young girls are actually fighting from it regularly. There is hardly any girl who is not suffering from it. Before going for all the surgeries, dermapen and needle treatment try to know about your skin needs and treat it with your own style.

Yes! Acne is still curable with natural treatments. By adopting some healthy diets and products you can get rid of it. Not all skin type acne is curable at home but you can just give a try. Here are the tips to get rid of acne while sitting on your sofa. Keep reading because I’m going to reveal a secret.

Drinking lots of water can really help. It washes away the bacteria. It also helps in reducing fats. Basically, acne happens due to so many reasons but one of them is fatness. If you are eating lots of fats then do not expect your skin to look flawless. Food plays a very important role in healthy skin and hair.

Neem (Azadirachta indica).
Neem is no doubt an ultimate cure of a pimple. Though it is very difficult to eat or drink neem once you are used to it you are going to feel the remarkable change. There are syrups in the market that contain neem. If you are not willing to eat raw neem then you must try syrups. It is also good for diabetes as well.

Less Sugar.
If you are fond of eating sugary food then you must quit it. Acne can be caused due to high sugar intake. Even eating sugary fruits can also cause acne. Minimize artificial sweeteners, excessive fruits, and sugar.

Tea Tree oil.
Tea tree oil can help you to get rid of pimple scars basically. It is actually getting so common and people have a positive review. There are tea tree face washes as well.

Reduce stress.
This is almost the cause of every ailment. Stress can increase pimples and even disturb the immune system. Try to keep your mental health at ease. Taking a lot of stress can ruin your health directly.

Secret tip.
If all of these things won’t work then you can take consultation from the best dermatologist from This is really going to help you out.

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