Balance disorder

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by on Sat May 20, 2023 9:27 pm

Balance disorder

When I stand up, I can't remain in standing position even for a few seconds. I feel like a giant magnet is pulling me down. I am also losing weight. It seems that I can be in still standing position if I lean on something or I keep moving my legs. It never happened before.
My ANA is positive. Do I need any therapy or exercise to repair function of my body system. I so disappointed what happened to me because I have always been an active person, but suddenly I lost my strength to do physical activity. After a short distance walking I get headache, burning feet, upper body becomes very achy too. I also get rashes on my body that comes with exertion.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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by advhccenter on Thu May 25, 2023 10:41 am

Re: Balance disorder

on the off potential for success that you are having, sitting, or resting, you could feel as though you are moving, turning, or drifting. On the off chance that you are strolling, you could out of nowhere feel as though you are spilling.

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