Testicle not 'hanging' correctly

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by Guest Posts on Thu Nov 24, 2016 3:07 pm

Testicle not 'hanging' correctly

On behalf of Barney:
I have recently noticed that my left testicle doesn't seem to be 'hanging' as it normally does. When I look in a mirror, I have noticed that it is quite tight and high. This has caused my scrotum to develop a 'flap' under the testes. There is no pain or other symptoms but should I be worried?
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Mr Benjamin Challacombe
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by Mr Benjamin Challacombe on Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:05 pm

Re: Testicle not 'hanging' correctly

It is not unusual for one testicle to be higher than the other but this can happen with infection (but that would be painful) or the muscle pulling it up tightening.
If you are young it may just be this cremaster muscle tightening and it can be drawn down gently each morning to sit in the normal position.
If you are 20-40 then check there is no lump in the testicle.
I would ask your GP to have a look if you are worried and refer you to urology if the cause isn’t clear.
Mr Benjamin J Challacombe
Consultant Urological Surgeon and Honorary Senior Lecturer

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Dr Jon Rees
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by Dr Jon Rees on Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:08 pm

Re: Testicle not 'hanging' correctly

It does not sound like this will be due to any worrying problem with your testicle, and often one does hang higher than the other - but if it feels wrong to you, it is worth asking your GP to examine you, and if necessary, arrange an ultrasound scan to be absolutely sure all is well.
Dr Jon Rees
GP, Backwell & Nailsea Medical Group with specialist interest in Men’s Health and Urology

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