Will the cancer have spread?

If you have questions about prostate cancer or PSA tests please post them here for our experts and charity partners to answer.

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Guest Posts
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by Guest Posts on Thu Nov 24, 2016 10:34 am

Will the cancer have spread?

On behalf of David:
I have recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer and wondered what are the chances that the cancer has spread beyond my prostate? If it has will it still curable?
talkhealth team on behalf of a guest visitor

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Mr Benjamin Challacombe
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by Mr Benjamin Challacombe on Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:06 pm

Re: Will the cancer have spread?

Most prostate cancer diagnosed in the UK is curable or very treatable.
Prostate cancer covers a wide spectrum of situations.
How well you do will depend on the PSA, the grade of the cancer (Gleason score), the stage of the cancer i.e. how far it has grown (TNM) staging and whether the lymph nodes or bones are involved.
We now have good treatments for all stages.

This page may be useful

Mr Benjamin J Challacombe
Consultant Urological Surgeon and Honorary Senior Lecturer

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Dr Jon Rees
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by Dr Jon Rees on Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:08 pm

Re: Will the cancer have spread?

I’m sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis - it is difficult to give you any information on your chance of your cancer still being localised within your prostate without more information. But, this is the first thing that the urologists will be finding out now that they have made the diagnosis - they will I imagine, be arranging a scan of your prostate / pelvis, and a bone scan, to test for any spread, and advise on best treatment options. So you should have more information very soon. If you want to discuss this with someone sooner, I would suggest you ring the Prostate Cancer UK helpline, where their experienced nurses can give you some more information and discuss your concerns.
Dr Jon Rees
GP, Backwell & Nailsea Medical Group with specialist interest in Men’s Health and Urology

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