I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia which falls under the category of Arthritis towards the end of 2014 after approximately 5 years of going backwards and forwards to the GP with various different symptoms. I was 23 when I was diagnosed and feeling more like an 80 year old in my body. I suffer with the following symptoms:
- Chronic and widespread pain throughout my entire body 24/7
- Chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs)
- Chronic migraines
- Muscle spasms
- Restless leg syndrome (RLS)
- Severe skin sensitivity
- Ulcers
Over the years my condition has gradually deteriorated which isn't very common with Fibromyalgia. It usually consists of flare ups however mine has been permanent for years now and continues to get worse. Currently I can only walk as far as my car and back without my legs giving way. Any further distance requires a wheelchair. I am currently 25 years old and playing human Guinea pig to try and find medication that helps these symptoms as my pain feels unbearably bad currently. I'm on approximately 20 tablets a day and going through lidocaine infusions which has not yet showed any improvements so we're getting desperate for different things to try that might help me get my life back.